5-MultiChallenge in uppsala

The 5-MultiChallenge is a perfect activity for a fun and challenging day with family and friends, bachelorette party or bachelor party.

Cooperation, tactics, cleverness, physics, focus, speed or reaction, we have many different challenges to choose from that require different conditions, some focus a lot on group teamwork and cooperation, others individual achievements.
Choose the 5 challenges that suit the group best when you book.

The fire challenge

Light the fire and burn off the string.
Of course, we use lighter steel and only natural materials.
(known from TV)

femkamp uppsala



Who has the best reflexes? Whoever is fastest to take the stick that is turned off.
An individual branch that requires quick reflexes.
(known from TV)

react speed in pentathlon uppsala

Tower 1 - Electromagnet

Together with some ropes, the group must control an electromagnet to build as high a stack as possible.
Requires concentration and precision.

femkamp uppsala

Tower 2 - Bricks

The goal of the game is to build the tallest tower with blocks of different sizes on time.
Requires problem solving, cleverness and concentration.

Tug of war

Tug of war is always fun.
Requires a lot of strength, but also cooperation, tact and timing are even more important.

tug-of-war in pentathlon uppsala

Laser tag

Play laser tag, collect points by and take over the base.
Requires a lot of tactics and cooperation.


Paintball sniping

Sniper duel against drop targets
Requires focus, concentration and accuracy.



MultiChallenge that contains most of it, physics, balance, punctuality and cleverness.
Requires cooperation, focus, concentration, accuracy and cleverness.


The popular game of cornhole, which consists of throwing beanbags and dotting a hole on a tilted table.
1 point for beanbag that remains on the table and 3 points if it ends up in the hole.
Requires tactics, focus, concentration, precision and accuracy.


Knock the opponent down from the bar with the help of a large padded stick.
